Exhibitions of breeding stock is one of key elements of genetic progress dissemination. Each year regional exhibitions of breeding animals attract crowds of visitors. For pig breeders  these events are an opportunity to present their breeding achievements which are the result of cooperation between breeders and POLSUS employees.

Integral part of each exhibition program is competition among breeders for a champion title for their animals. Competition brings a lot of emotions and satisfaction for winners especially nowadays when quality of breeding stock is at the similar and high level. Referees often have problems with making final decisions because as they say all presented animals deserve a reward.

Potential buyers – pig producers - have a chance to compare and have a closer look at breeding stock and start business relation with pig breeders.  Many business conversations started at regional fair or exhibition turned into a regular trade cooperation.

For many families regional fairs and exhibitions create an opportunity to spend time together and to show farm animals to the youngest family members. Very often these events are regarded as family picnics.

Regional fairs and exhibitions enable us to get to consumers with professional information to raise their consciousness about  animal origin products.


Polish Pig Breeders and Producers Association
ul. Ryżowa 90
02-495 Warsaw
phone. +48 22 723 08 06
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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