Pulawska breed is under the Program of Farm Animals Genetic Resources Conservation.

Breeds’ profile:

   High milk production
  Good maternity traits
  Very well adopted to environmental conditions in Poland
  Resistant to diseases
   Early maturity

Pulawska as a rare breed was included in the Program of Farm Animals Genetic Resources Conservation. The breed was officially identified and confirmed in 1935 as golebska breed. The breeding works aiming to create this breed started at the begining of the XXth century. The crossbreds of local primitive breeds with Berkshire pig and then upgraded with English large White pigs were the base for pulawska breed. After many years of intensive selection pulawska breed was formed as a in-between type: fat-meat and meat type of pigs.

Pulawska is of the average size, wide and deep, pretty long and low-set. Adult boar reaches 250-300 kg and adult sow is of 200-280 kg. The pigs are spotted, black and white with majority of black colour. The tri-colour is also accepted: black-white and red as well as black with white spots in the lower part of the snout, legs and tail. The head is small and wide in the forehead part, the profile is slightly bended. The ears are standing, slightly leaning to the front. It is acceptable that ears are slightly floppy. The neck is short without bulged chap. The chest is wide and deep with strong line of ribs so called barrel chest, the back is wide, average long and strong of arch line, the rum pis pretty long, wide and strong, very well binded with loin, slightly sloping, the tail is set high, ham is wide and bulged to the back. Pulawska has at least 12 properly developed teats. The legs are average length, strong and widely positioned.

More about pulawska pigs:


Breeding value




BLUP total value



Fattening and slaughtering performance




Standardized daily gain (g)



Average backfat thickness (mm)



Standardized lean meat content (%)



On farm test index (points)



Reproduction performance of sows



Number of alive born piglets


Number of piglets weaned


Number of teats



Polish Pig Breeders and Producers Association
ul. Ryżowa 90
02-495 Warsaw
phone. +48 22 723 08 06
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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